What Causes Tyre Failure

In case of vehicles, a tyre blow-out, or a tyre requiring an unplanned and early replacement can become very frustrating. Such incidents often makes us think that maybe the tyre wasn’t strong enough or wonder at if there was some sort of defect, but this is rarely the case. In most cases, the main cause of the failure leading to a blow-out or premature tyre replacement is negligence during routine maintenance or while driving and that it could have completely been avoided.


  • Recurring Mechanical Issues

Proper wheel alignment and balancing are very important for the health of the tyres. In addition to this, a good suspension system of the vehicle also adds to the good health of the tyres. Worn-out suspension parts and misalignment can completely make the tyre worn on one side, or in one area of the tyre and also harms the treads. In such cases, it is best to buy tyres online. Even if 5% of the tread is worn through, that area will be the weakest and the most prone to flats. It also contributes to poor ride quality.

While some tyres may slightly be more resistant to irregular wear, and some expensive ones might be resilient too, but prolonged wear may force the owner to replace the tyres. Wear patterns on a tyre tread associated with mechanical issues can easily be identified by any tyre technician or mechanic.

  • Another cause of tyre failure is under-inflation.

Under-inflated tyres flex more towards the sidewall and this excessive flexing causes tyres to heat up far beyond normal operating temperatures. The problem further escalates when driving at high speeds during hot weather for a prolonged period. Due to this excessive heat, the rubber of the tyre begins to degrade. If it is driven further it can lead to a rupture in the sidewall of the tyre, or even tread separation. This ultimately results in an immediate and rapid loss of air pressure making the tyre explode with a loud bang, and as we all know, blown-out tyres must be replaced, and it is best to buy tyres online.

  •  Road Hazards

Even If one is driving down the road at a slow pace, but hits a pot hole or runs over an obstacle or drives down on uneven roads, the tyre takes the full brunt of the impact. The impact manifolds if there is misalignment of the wheels and weak suspension system. The impact is enough for the sidewall of the tyre to compress and be squeezed between the object and the wheel flange. This can rupture the tyres and one of the common external factors for flat tyres.

  • One can’t avoid uneven roads but can surely drive carefully to avoid tyre related issues.

Tyre related problems can be avoided by routine check-up of tyre’s air pressure, proper wheel alignment, well maintained suspension system and above all drive carefully on uneven and rough roads. With a little bit of care, attention and prevention, your tyre can give you many years of unsurpassed service.

Tire Myths

Driving is a joy on a good day and an exercise in frustration on a bad one, but no one can deny it usefulness. When done right, a car can be an extraordinarily useful thing to have, but alas, most of us take our cars for granted, often ignoring one of its most crucial components, the tires. From ignoring them altogether to believing certain myths, the misinformation is all pervasive. Here are a few tire and driving myths you definitely should not pay any attention to.

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  • Tire rotation is not required:

Some people think tire rotation is not only needless but also dangerous, while nothing could be further from the truth. Tire rotation prolongs the tire’s lifespan and maximises safety. This is because, each cars tire wears differently depending on where it is positioned on the car, tire rotation helps to even out this wear.

  • Turn the wheel hard to fight a skid:

Every driver has at least one minor accident. Turning the wheel against the turn is an instinctual but unsafe thing to do as it may make the skid worse. Instead, the correct response is to turn to wheels in the direction the one wants to go.

  • Braking sharply is a good way to test your brakes:

Even though cars have the capacity to brake hard in an emergency as a default, one should avoid it as much as possible. Quick braking at lights and stop signs can add to brake wear over time. Good braking is about anticipating and gradual deceleration. Inculcating this habit is also good for your car tires.

  • Race to the pump on low fuel:

It is normal to feel anxious when the reserve light blinks on but there is no need to worry. Most cars can go for 30 km more so while finding the nearest petrol station is a necessity, it is not something to be excessively worried about.

  • Used tires are always bad or useful:

People are strongly divided on this topic, but no one is right. The wear of the car tires matter. An excessively worn tire should be thrown away, but a tire with a still intact tread can be used as a spare.

  • Tire checks are not required:

From taking a walk around the car, to doing a tread examination and checking that the tires are properly inflated, a regular tire check is crucial not only for the tire but also the health and safety of those who ride in the vehicle. Forgoing frequent tire checks is the most dangerous misconception people can have, one that leads to many accidents all across the world.

Driving safe and practising good tire habits can significantly affect your driving experience and keep you, loved ones and others who share the road with you. The rules of safe driving and tire maintenance not something one should ignore, after all it is better to spend a few extra minutes checking one’s tires or arriving a few minutes than to regret it for the rest of one’s life.